Friday, February 22, 2008

New breed of enemy III

Continuation of Anna Baltzer presentation and the questions I was not allowed to ask. (In parenthesis I will provide the answers)

750,000 Palestinian Arabs were evicted from their land before the creation of the State of Israel by Zionist plotters.

Q: Who ruled Palestine before 1948 (Great Britain)

Q: Would the British allow the Zionist evil-doers to evict Palestinian Arabs? (History can attest to the fact that the Britts favored the Arabs. Fact, upon leaving they handed the Arabs the weapon arsenals as well as the Police fortifications)

Since 1948 Israel has gradually expanded it territory and left just small isolated pockets of land for the Palestinians.

Q: What caused this expansion? Could it be the results of the wars in 1948? 1956? 1967? 1973?
Q: Who declared thos wars?

Anna Baltzer never mentioned those wars. In following blogs I will refer to other facts she failed to mention


Anonymous said...

Is any of this true: Anna Baltzer - Palestine speaker | Wheels of Justice Anna Baltzer - Palestine speaker
Anna Baltzer is a 28 -year-old Jewish American Columbia graduate, Fulbright scholar, and the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors. She is a three-time volunteer with the International Women’s Peace Service, where she documented human rights abuses in the West Bank and supported the nonviolent movement against the Occupation. She has spent most of the past few years in Palestine or on tour with her book, Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories.

Anonymous said...

Anna Baltzer, an ISM trained anti-Israel Jewish-American woman will be giving a presentation at Manhattanville College on Monday, March 27, 2006, called Life In Occupied Palestine. Her talk will focus on issues
like: the occupation,
the wall,  Israeli settlements, and
stolen land.
The presentation will most probably be one sided and strongly biased against Israel. If you would
like to challenge some of her ideas, you can find out more about them on
her website
and blog.  A news station in
Illinois did a story 
(I was unable to get the video clip to play) on a similar presentation
she gave at USI.  You can also check out the organization she is a
member of: International
Women's Peace Service
, and the International
Solidarity Movement

Stand With Us has
prepared an information
about Anna and her presentation, with some questions that you
might want to ask her while she is on the podium.  Click
here to download

To find out more
about Stand With Us, go to their website: 

For a totally
different point of view about Israel, come see Nonie Darwish at
Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester, later that evening, March 27, 2005
at 7:15.  To see the flyer, click here,