Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Breed of Enemy II

Continuation of the report

Settlements - Settlers are occuping Palestinian lands and building beautiful towns with schools and playgrounds for kids while Palestinians live in shacks.

Q: When did the settlers build the settlements? What was on that land before? Why didn't the Palestinians build schools and playground for their children in the past 60 years they lived on the land? Is it because they were prepping the kids to become suicide bombers?

Occupation - The Palestinians cannot move freely in their territories because of the many checkpoints guarded by Israel army.

Q: Could the reason for the checkpoints be a necessary precaution against terrorist actions performed by residents of that area that cost Israel many a life?
Does anyone remember the Oct. 2000 murder of two unarmed Israelis who entered by mistake Ramalla and consequently were butchered by a mob proudly displaying their bloodied hands through the window of the room where the two were cut up and their insides pulled out? See Time magazine cover of that month.

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