Friday, February 22, 2008

New breed of enemy III

Continuation of Anna Baltzer presentation and the questions I was not allowed to ask. (In parenthesis I will provide the answers)

750,000 Palestinian Arabs were evicted from their land before the creation of the State of Israel by Zionist plotters.

Q: Who ruled Palestine before 1948 (Great Britain)

Q: Would the British allow the Zionist evil-doers to evict Palestinian Arabs? (History can attest to the fact that the Britts favored the Arabs. Fact, upon leaving they handed the Arabs the weapon arsenals as well as the Police fortifications)

Since 1948 Israel has gradually expanded it territory and left just small isolated pockets of land for the Palestinians.

Q: What caused this expansion? Could it be the results of the wars in 1948? 1956? 1967? 1973?
Q: Who declared thos wars?

Anna Baltzer never mentioned those wars. In following blogs I will refer to other facts she failed to mention

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Breed of Enemy II

Continuation of the report

Settlements - Settlers are occuping Palestinian lands and building beautiful towns with schools and playgrounds for kids while Palestinians live in shacks.

Q: When did the settlers build the settlements? What was on that land before? Why didn't the Palestinians build schools and playground for their children in the past 60 years they lived on the land? Is it because they were prepping the kids to become suicide bombers?

Occupation - The Palestinians cannot move freely in their territories because of the many checkpoints guarded by Israel army.

Q: Could the reason for the checkpoints be a necessary precaution against terrorist actions performed by residents of that area that cost Israel many a life?
Does anyone remember the Oct. 2000 murder of two unarmed Israelis who entered by mistake Ramalla and consequently were butchered by a mob proudly displaying their bloodied hands through the window of the room where the two were cut up and their insides pulled out? See Time magazine cover of that month.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A new breed of enemy I

After the death of Arafat I received a shocking e-mail that included the photos of Orthodox Jews wearing Talitot in the colors of the Palestinian flag, weeping and morning the death of Arafat. Few weeks later a reception of Jews of the same sect had a royal reception in Iran. Well, it was easy to determine that we have enemies from within.

Yesterday I discovered a new breed of an "enemy from within". In this case I refer to Anna Baltzer and the likes of her. In the future I will provide information of the material shown in the DVD with her take on the situation, followed by the question(s) I intended to ask but was not allowed to do so.

ROADS - The well paved and maintained roads built by the Israeli government with the tax money of the American citizens vs. the poor roads in the Palestinians' side. Only Jews are allowed to use the first ones.

My Q: The Palestinians received assistance both from the U.S. and the U.N. why didn't they, under Arafat's benevolent rule pave their own roads? Are they waiting for the fall of Israel so that they can use the ready ones?

LICENSE PLATES - Jewish car license plates are of different color than the Palestinians.
My Qs: 1) Are the license plates of Israeli Arabs of different color than those of the Jews?
2) Don't the license plates of differnt states in the U.S. of differ in colors?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

When "I am Jewish" is actually an alarm siren

As I posted previously, I was utterly concerned about the Sabeel conference in All Saints church in Pasadena. Today I discovered that my concern was justified. I didn't attend the 2 days conference, but I attended presentation of one of the lot. Her name was Anna Baltzer and she talked about her visit to Palestine. Mind you, not Israel, rather Palestine. She dedicates her efforts and energy to liberate the oppressed Palestinians from the cruel, discriminating and evil Israeli government. I went to the presentation sicker than a dog. I watched the heart wrenching DVD she sells to benefit the Palestinian cause. Everyone was a victim, they were uprooted by the vicious Zionist movement. Coyishly she said, " And no one can accuse me for being anti-Semitic because I am an American Jew.

I went to the presentation in Burbank; there were about eighty some attendees. A number of Middle Easterners, some Palestinians, most were Americans. I was the only Jew there. During the presentation I prepared a line of questions of which only one was dealt with and drew the reaction of a woman in the audience, " I am a Palestinian and if we wouldn't be here I'd kill you",she said.

The purpose of the event was to pass petitions among the attendees to request of their representatives in the Congress and the Senate to withdraw financial assistance from Israel and request to boycot businesses who deal with Israel.

" I am Jewish" represented a venomous weapon.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Peace Where Art Thou

In the 1930's, walking down European streets, one could see signs:
Of course not in Great Britain who blocked the entrance of Jews who tried to escape the imminent wave of hatred. Now the European signs, including Great Britain call:

At present, what worries me is an up-coming seminar to be held in Pasadena, California, titled AL-NAKBA, Arabic for THE CATASTROPHE, referring to the creation of the State of Israel.
The subject matter is a peaceful solution to the Palestinian problem, does the title reflect peacful intentions?

The rector of the church attended a meeting in the Pasadena synagogue where he heard the concerns of members of the community who asked the seminar to be either cancelled or allow a platform for speakers who represent the other side. No, was the answer to both suggestions.
Furthermore, some Jewish attendees made comments that indicated their total ignorance of the reality of the Middle-East. Those bleeding hearts, who live in the security of this country have no qualms about sacrificing Israel on the altar of peace. Peace, where art thou?